Your pictures
in Johanne Vaillancourt's text

Two pages of the Tripolarity book.

Exert of Behavioral Tripolarity of Parrot (to be translated)


Send us the best pictures of your(s) feathered friend (regardless of specie of parrot, budgie, parrotlet) and get the chance to find his face published in the forthcoming Johanne's books.

Even if the photo is not selected for one of the books, it could also serve to illustrate one of the other texts of Johanne.

So send us the pictures immortalizing your "little darlings" (tell us their names) in all situations, all positions in their evil as in their good shots! Send us your photos (heaviest possible, ideally 1 MB or more) at

Do not forget to include your full name with the sending(s) for the picture's credits.


Philippe Thibodeau




Name of the photographs whose pictures where selected to illustrate Johanne Vaillancourt's book
Play with your parrot, socialisation and apprenticeship by game (to be translated) – thanks a thousand times!

Play with your parrot.

Alexandra Martins
Alexandra Reynaud
Amélie Malette
Anthony Coisne
Anne-Marie Girard Gilleme
Aveline Wursch
Bertrand Pillet
Carole Paquette
Catherine Marcellini
Chantal Leclerc
Christian Philippe Paris
Christine Aubry
Christine et Jean Cadoux
Christopher Gomez
et Mélanie Rossi
Cristina Marques et Didier Blum
Danielle Debruille
Erika Desjardins
Fred Faure
Hervé Andoloro
Jacqueline Goy
Johann Potvin
Johanne Froidebise
Julie Laflamme

Karen Roussy
Linda Magnan
Laurence Gaudin
Louise Rioux
Lucia Bouffard
Maggy Costa
Marie-Eve Perras
Marine Barthelémy
Martine Krebs
Martine Diallo
Martine Massa
Micheline Lora
Nathalie Côté
Nancy Boisvert
Nancy Richard
Nastassia Seuring
Rémy Delavison
Richard Patry
Stéphanie Duval
Sylvain-Luc Richard
et Henri Brisson
Valérie Celestrano
Véronique et Patrice Delesalle
Weena Paulus