Johanne Vaillancourt Biography


Johanne Vaillancourt

Johanne Vaillancourt is a francophone Quebec avian activist, recognized in the parrot community in Canada and in Europe. Her approaches are unique and her relation in regard to these animals is marked by originality. Serial essayist, author and inspired speaker, she advocates for the respect of parrots as well as for a greater understanding of their sensibility and their needs. Her books, sprinkled with dry humour, are meant to help them achieve better communion with their avian companion.

Johanne Vaillancourt's Curriculum-vitae  (details) >>








Cover Tripolarite      Cover of the book: Parrot Touching and Handling     Cover of the book: Play with your parrot

Cover of the DVD: Tripolarite      Cover of the book:Tours et trucs     Cover of the book: zootherapy

Cover of the book: Carnet de vacances